
History scavenge

History scavenge


Pick one topic from this week’s LECTURES

Write your interpretation of how your professor presented the information
Search for related materials online you may also reference content from the BONUS video this week
Write a summary
Explain your understanding of the topic and your find
Do your findings sync with your professor’s storytelling?
READ THRU and comment on other students’ posts
Respond to comments in your thread
Click THUMBS UP on as many posts that deserve it

Copy and paste questions 1-6 above into this discussion thread and add your answers to each.
Please refrain from terms such as “very interesting” or “so intriguing” or “very refreshing!”
I’ve seen HUNDREDS of these cliches on discussion boards in EVERY class I’ve taught online SO MUCH I’m convinced someone has a bucket of them and is just handing them out at Halloween. Santa Claus, maybe?
in my effort to promote real -even wonky- discourse, just note that I read past them and look for what is actually being said: the meat of the discussion, as it were.
Please humour me on this discussion works best when everyone is jumping in including those who have incomplete thoughts or whacked-out theories.
Without some stupid conjecture amongst the academic stuff, there’s not much to build off – and learning gives way to I already know that.
Thank you.

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