1. (TCO 3) Show the source code for a C# console application called Area to display the area of a parking lot with length 203.5 ft. and width 30.5 ft. (Note that area is length times width.)
· Declare and initialize appropriate variables for length and width.
· Include at least three descriptive comments.
· State what your program displays when it runs.
· State how you would use the debugger to check the values of your variables as your program runs.
2. (TCO 5) Describe two types of loops that can be used to write the C# code required to print every fifth integer from 0 to 500 (i.e., 0, 5, 10, 15, etc.), each on its own line. Which would be a better choice and why? Write the code using that type of loop.
3. (TCO 8) Briefly describe how parameter passing by-value and by-reference are accomplished in memory. Write statement 1 to call method A below. Write statement 2 to call method B. Which method uses pass by-value? Which method uses pass by-reference?
How could each of the three errors be corrected to improve the user experience?
5. (TCO 2) Although the following code compiles and runs, the programmer made some major readability errors. Describe at least three changes that would make it easier for other programmers to read and understand the code.
6. (TCO 11) Write a C# program to store an array of integers 10 through 19. Use an appropriate loop to add all of the values in the list. Print out the sum.Â